Call to Order - Boatswain
Minutes of the Last Meeting - Yeoman
Officers' Reports
---Communications - Yeoman
---Membership - Boatswain's Mate
---Financial Report - Purser
---Equipment - Storekeeper
Committees - Boatswain
Appoint new activity chairpersons and committees - Boatswain
Promotion of activities - Boatswain's Mate
Questions for ship decision - Boatswain
Election/form new crew if necessary - Boatswain
Admission of new members - Boatswain's Mate
---The Sea Promise
---As a Sea Scout I promise to do my best
---To guard against water accidents;
---To know the location and proper use of the lifesaving devices on every boat I board;
---To be prepared to render aid to those in need;
---To seek to preserve the motto of the sea, "Women and children first."
Next Meeting - Boatswain
ACTIVITY - Swimming, volleyball, food, etc.